The Start. -Music Business
This post is the start to a series documenting my music business; both its successes and failures. I will continue to organize the posts into two distinct categories; "Life in Nashville" and "Starting a Freelance Business." I hope you can gain something from my journey as I find my own niche and start this exciting journey. Thanks for reading!
I thought it might be fun and helpful to others to start documenting my progress as a new independent contractor, or freelancer, in the music business. Whether there is forward progress or backwards progress, success or failure, is still to be determined. *chuckles to self.
So I have this dream, goal, mission, (whatever you want to call it) of working as a freelancer in the music industry. This goal has been something I've been actively pursuing for only a few weeks now. It could be said that the past 4 years of my life have been in preparation for starting my own business and working for myself. It's rather strange, yet wonderful, how God takes us through moments in our lives where we are lost and confused because it isn't until we've moved out of those moments that we see the beautiful plan in everything.
My first few years of college were saturated with those rough, confusing moments. Actually, my very first semester at Indiana Wesleyan University (a private christ-centered university in Marion IN) was a particular rough semester. I was taking a business class to start off my music performance/business dual degree program. One of the most predominant things I learned from this business course is that I did not like business! Or so I thought... What I know now is that this single course has been one of the most valuable courses I could've taken in my undergraduate program. I soon dropped my business degree program and stuck it out with music. Fast forward 6 years and here I am trying to start my own business from the ground up; one of the specific requirements for this course was to start a hypothetical business and have a thorough business plan. It's amazing that this class that I used to perceive as a waste of time, has actually informed a lot of my decisions already.
Well here I am now, living with my incredible wife in a one bedroom apartment in Nashville, TN; Music City! At the time of writing this it's been exactly 8 months that she and I have lived in this crazy-fast paced city. I've met a lot of amazing people and many have become friends and mentors. It's unbelievable how "networking" can produce so much traction in a city like this. I say "networking" because sometimes it has a negative connotation. But the networking in Nashville is 95% showing up. Just being present is so important. Showing up tells people that you care.
So, why do I want to be a freelancer? Well, the short answer is that I have developed a passion for artists and creators. I've come across a lot of talented people that have a God-given gift that they are ultimately using to share their story and impact the world. How incredible! As a creative that is my only goal; to use my God-given gifts to bring glory and honor to Him who created all things. So in seeing all of this creativity, I've also seen a problem; a disconnect. A lot of these artists don't have the money or the access to be able to record their music and share it with the world. All of these creative people aren't able to share their art. I would love to help artists be able to document their music and their creativity so that others can hear the redemption stories and hear what God is doing in and through these creative people. I want to use my gifts and talents in collaboration with others to create something that is better than what any one person could do.
Therefore, I had this idea of doing freelance recording and mixing for people who can't afford the expensive studios. Right now I'm working out of a corner in an apartment, but maybe someday I'll have studio access or a studio of my own. Only God knows! But the future is exciting.
Finally, this is the start of a new chapter. A lot of people say you need to start somewhere when doing this part of work and they specifically tell you to do a lot of free projects for people. When I heard this advice I was pleased because I have been doing a lot of free projects for different people I've met along my journey. Working for free hasn't really been a problem for me because I love to help people. I am a people-pleaser; sometimes to a fault. I love making others happy and thoroughly enjoy using my gifts to help people. So I've found a few talented friends here in Nashville and have took on some pretty ambitious projects. I'm on the brink of having, what I think of as, a great starting portfolio for the business. I've been lucky enough to meet and work with a lot of extremely talented musicians, singers, and songwriters who have made the work enjoyable!
The challenging part now is adjusting my mindset to full-on business mode. Now I need to start charging people what I think a fair price is for the time and work I'm able to offer. Some freelancers get stuck in the "free work" category very easily and never get to the point where they are serious about asking a price and charging people for work. I'm fairly confident in my ability to charge a fair and attractive price for the work I'm offering. In the last month I've actually acquired a first paying client. This client happens to be a mentor of mine who has been instrumental in my story here in Nashville. I met him shortly after coming to Nashville and his encouragement is so valuable to me. He heard about this passion I had and contracted me to do some mixing work for a project he's a part of. It was awesome and exhilarating getting that phone call! So to be honest, I had my first paying client sort of handed to me. I'm definitely not complaining! Side note though: I've heard that a lot of Freelancers work for themselves sort of by accident. People just came to them for stuff and started paying them and it became a business. I'm not sure I'm that lucky, especially in music city where the market is competitive already.
So, the foundations of a business are being created and I couldn't be more excited! I'm working on the logistics and what this business is going to look like. It's laying the foundations and going from there. I'm excited that you're here for the journey with me. In my next post in this series I will share with you how I've started to build my portfolio and what it will include.

Please share your comments on this post. Is it too much content? What do you think could make it better? Thanks a lot for sticking around! Also, this is a rough idea for a logo. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions! Thanks a lot for sticking around!